Collingwood TAFE, (former Collingwood Technical College), Johnston St, Collingwood (October 2010)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

The Victorian State Government recently announced an additional $10 million (bringing their total contribution to $13 million) to assist Circus Oz to relocate from their Port Melbourne base to the old Collingwood TAFE building at 241 Johnston St. Lovell Chen Architects and Heritage Consultants have been appointed as architects for the works required. Circus Oz hope to their new home opened by …

Town Hall, Horsham (Spring 2010)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

The northwest Victorian town of Horsham boasts a wonderful Town Hall, designed by Charles “Nev” Hollinshed in 1939. But the Horsham Rural City Council never observed its obligations to undertake the conduct of a Heritage Study which would have resulted in a heritage overlay and protection for the Town Hall. The Council had been wanting to redevelop the existing Hall …

Parliament Square, Hobart (Winter 2010)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Tasmania

A proposed re-development of Hobart’s Parliament Square would have resulted in several 20th Century buildings being demolished, including the 1960s office block 10 Murray Street, and the 1950s Art Deco former Government Printing Offices. The proposal has now been rejected after RMPAT (the Resource Management Planning Appeal Tribunal) refused the application for development. For a full description of the decision, …

Mitchell House, Elizabeth St, Melbourne (Winter 2010)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

Century Building, on the corner of Swanston Street and Little Collins Street, and Mitchell House, on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Lonsdale Street, are two of Melbourne’s most important (and prominent) Art Deco buildings. Both were nominated by ADMS to the Victorian Heritage Register and have been assessed and included on the Register. Thank you to Simon Reeves of Built …

Century Building, Swanston St, Melbourne (Winter 2010)

Digital InnovationsPreservation, Victoria

Century Building, on the corner of Swanston Street and Little Collins Street, and Mitchell House, on the corner of Elizabeth Street and Lonsdale Street, are two of Melbourne’s most important (and prominent) Art Deco buildings. Both were nominated by ADMS to the Victorian Heritage Register and have been assessed and included on the Register. Thank you to Simon Reeves of Built Heritage …

Lonsdale House, Lonsdale St, Melbourne (Autumn 2010)

Digital InnovationsLost Buildings, Preservation, Victoria

One of Melbourne’s iconic Art Deco buildings, Lonsdale House, was recently demolished by its owners, Colonial First State, with the support of Myer Pty Ltd, the State Government and the City of Melbourne. To the Minister for Planning, ‘heritage’ architects who supported the demolition, Heritage Victoria, and City Councillors – shame. To the thousands of people who signed on-line petitions …