The small inner-city suburb of Travancore was established by the subdivisions of a large pastoral estate in 1918 and the early 1920s. The area is bounded by Mount Alexander Road, Flemington Street, Baroda Street and the Moonee Ponds Creek and looked up to Royal Park (before the Tullamarine freeway).
Travancore is described as a remarkably intact area of distinctive interwar housing styles and streetscapes and was called the Toorak of the north!
Date: Sunday 23 March, 2025
Starting Time: 1.45 pm for a 2.00 pm start
Starting Point: Dan Murphy’s 291 Mount Alexander Road, Ascot Vale
Cost: $30 members, $35 non-members
Bookings are essential by 20 March
Bookings at Trybooking (+ $0.50 booking fee) or for cheque and EFT, complete this form.
Numbers are capped at 25 and walk-ups on the day cannot be accommodated!
Note: Travancore is hilly but the walk is designed to avoid the steep hills. Bring your water bottle